
In October of 2016, a group of faith-based leaders in Dallas along with Mayor Rawlings met at Concord Church in Dallas, Texas. Senior Pastor Bryan Carter of Concord Church of Dallas and Senior Pastor Jeff Warren at Park Cities Baptist led the charge to create what is known today as The Dallas Clergy. The group was created to address the tragedies of 2016, which was involved race relations in our city and the Dallas Police. A fellowship of churches met seeking to address racial equity in the city of Dallas.  At the meeting the leaders agreed to:

  • Have faith leaders from different parts of town Pulpit Swap

  • Host Dinner Groups across racial lines

  • Group Reading (select books that focus on racism)

  • Vision of multi-ethnic churches and international ministry building

  • Preached about/against racism.

  • Received mentoring by a person from a different background.

  • Vision of interfaith activities, including the Jewish community.

  • Considered inter-denominational/inter-racial/inter-social class Bible study every month and/or weekly prayer calls

Dallas Clergy Covenant

We commit to connect regularly to cultivate relationships for a year.  (Relational Component)

We commit to lead our churches in having courageous conversations about race.  (Congregational Component)

We commit to practice racial sensitivity and work against racism in practical ways.

We commit to equip our people to engage in the work of racial reconciliation.

We commit to participate in the Dallas pulpit swap.  (Spiritual Component)

We commit to support law enforcement and the community by partnerships that serve the greater good.   (Educational and Social Component)